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DateExhibition NameLocationExhibition Hall
2015-10-21 to 2015-10-24International Exhibition of Machinery, Materials and Construction SystemsU.S - SantiagoEspacio Riesco, Santiago de Chile
2015-03-03 to 2015-03-052015 ecobuild and futurebuildEngland - LondonEarls Court
2015-09-29 to 2015-10-03MSV2015Czech - BrnoBVV国际展览中心
2015-10-20 to 2015-10-22Gear Expo 2015U.S - DetroitCobo Center
2015-06-30 to 2015-07-03MDA SOUTH AMERICABrazil - St.PaulSao Palo Transamerica Expo Center
2015-11-11 to 2015-11-13FEBTECH 2015U.S - Las VegasLas Vegas center
2015-02-11 to 2015-02-14AG CONNECTU.S - AtlantaGeorgia World Congress Center
2015-03-23 to 2015-03-272015 International Eletrical Energy and Automation Industry Trade FairBrazil - St.PaulAnhimbi Exhibition Center
2015-10-28 to 2015-10-31Korea Machinery FairsKoyangKINTEX
2015-06-24 to 2015-06-27MANUFACTURING EXPO THAILAND 2014Thailand - BangkokBITEC
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